Furring strips are 1x3 pieces of wood that are screwed into the brick using masonry anchors, (I used Tapcon screws), which then provide a surface that can be drilled into, just like an ordinary wood stud.
As you can see here, I also opted for the R6 foam insulation. Not much protection, but every little bit helps.
Next, I framed out the cabinet wall using 2x4s and 3" decking screws.
Incidentally, here, you can also see where I patched a hole in the chimney, where I knocked out a brick while removing the plaster. I used some cement patch from Home Depot, and some wire mesh that I found under the plaster as a substrate for the cement. I followed the directions on the cement bag exactly, and the cement was like soup for about 15 minutes, and then it started firming up. Within about 8 minutes of my noticing the cement curing, it was too solid to work with. Fortunately by then, I had already patched the hole.
Here, you can see where I framed out an alcove for the refrigerator, to accommodate its depth.
Hey Mike - glad to see you adding all of the construction steps to the blog. Have you added your site to houseblogs.net or blogtimore.com? These will help get a bit more traffic, and a lot of folks can learn from what you've done.
Thanks for the tip. I've actually got a pretty big backlog of posts to author, but I'm in the middle of renovating the living room/dining room area, which is consuming all of my free time. I'd kind of like to hold off 'going live' until I've got a few more entries.
That said, I can definitely do better than I have been the past few months haha
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